Heaven's Burger Yomitan offers exceptional service at food truck parks, special events, concerts and festivals, bars, and nightclubs, and has ample parking available.

Authentic American-style hamburger food truck

Are you interested in satisfying your burger cravings? "Look no further, because some say that we have the best hamburgers in Okinawa!"
Get ready to sink your teeth into a mouthwatering selection of flavorful delights that will leave you wanting more. At Heaven's Burger, we serve the juiciest, most delicious burgers in Okinawa using only the highest quality ingredients; our skilled chef creates masterpieces that will tantalize your taste buds. From classic cheeseburgers to unique and innovative creations, our menu has something for everyone. Whether you're a meat lover or vegetarian, we've got you covered with a variety of options. But it's not just the burgers that make us the place to go to again and again. Our cozy and welcoming ambiance, friendly staff, parking, and exceptional service will make your dining experience unforgettable. So gather your friends and family and head to Heaven's Burger to indulge in a burger experience like no other. Get ready to tantalize your taste buds with flavors that will keep you returning for more. Discover why Heaven's Burger food truck is the talk of the town. Your taste buds will thank you, and so will your family and friends! 
At Heaven's Burger, we take great pleasure in providing our customers with quality burgers that are delicious and made with the freshest ingredients. The key to a great burger is using only the best ingredients and spices, so we exclusively use 100% beef patties that are handcrafted to perfection. Our bakery-fresh buns are equally crucial in making our burgers taste great. Our customers value quality and taste, so we want to deliver both with each burger we serve. Whether you're a burger enthusiast or just looking for a delicious meal, we're confident you'll love our burgers and the attention we put into crafting them.


Heaven's Burger Yomitan offers exceptional service at food truck parks, special events, concerts and festivals, bars, and nightclubs, and has ample parking available.

American-style, 100% beef hamburgers

Our journey began with the opening of our first business in Japan, where we were overwhelmed by the incredible love and support for our burgers at Heaven's Cafe in Minamiuonuma City, Niigata Prefecture. Witnessing people travel long distances to savor our delicious burgers was genuinely heartwarming. After four incredible years, we realized our passion for burgers was meant to reach even more people. This realization led us to Okinawa, where we are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to continue serving our burgers. We are humbled by our customers' feedback. 

As we set our sights on broader horizons, we eagerly anticipate connecting with more burger enthusiasts who yearn for the genuine taste of an American-style hamburger. We extend our heartfelt thanks for being a part of this thrilling adventure. Your support means the world to us, and we are eager to keep delighting you with Heaven’s Burgers.




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Heaven's Burger Food Truck 
On Earth as it is in Heaven

290 Iramina, Yomitan, Nakagami District, Okinawa 904-0303


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